Vienna 2017

........................................................................................(There is an English version at the bottom of the article.)
自分の小さな世界を常に崩して、また作る。異文化に触れ、たくさんの人と出会うことが、そうするための一番のエネルギー源だ...と 心から思います。
街中の建築がどれもこれも美しい…そんな中、Otto Wagnerの洗練された建築やHundertwasserのとってもユニークなアパートメントや焼却場があったり、オペラの国立歌劇場も歴史を含んだ重厚さがあると同時に、毎晩ヴィーンフィルの演奏でオペラが上演され、毎晩たくさんの人が観劇しに来ることで、とっても生き生きとした輝きを放っている..。
すばらしい美術品を所蔵するKunsthistorisches Museum、かつての宮殿あるいはその一部を美術館にしているBelvedereやAlbertina、工芸品もたくさんあって面白いMAK、なんといっても Gustav KlimtとEgon Shieleの作品、などなど放心しながらめいっぱい堪能.....
元々タペストリを織っていて、今はネパールの和紙のようなLokta paperにカラフルなパステルでペイントされているLinda Gaenszleさんの個展のオープニングレセプションに行ってお話を伺ったり、奥さんがキルギス出身というご夫妻宅でお寿司パーティをして、キルギスのフェルトラグやストールなどを見せていただいたり、文化庁による助成金でヴィエナでの作品制作に励んでいる新進気鋭のアーティスト村山悟郎さんに会って、とても興味深いお話を聞きながら制作現場を見せていただいたり、タペストリ、絵、彫刻という形態からアート表現をしているフィンランド出身ヴィエナ在住のPaivi Vahalaさんにお会いして、すべてのタペストリ作品を見せていただき、とても心の深いところで共鳴する なんとも素晴らしい半日を過ごさせてもらいました。Paiviさんも一緒に、Eichgrabenという自然豊かな郊外の あるお宅に伺った1日も素晴らしいひとときでした。食べられる野草やお花を、籠いっぱい摘んできて、それを前菜にしていただいた夕食は、ほんとうにほんとうに、おいしかった...
(そう、Special Thanks!!行きのフライト(FINNAIR)でMr.Fの教え子でFINNAIRのアテンダントをしているRさんが搭乗してくださり、Economy comfortにチェンジ&いろんなVIPサービスをしてくだって、こ~んなに楽しくて快適なフライトは初めてでした!Rさんに感謝(涙!)
Due to encounters with "Mr. and Mrs. F" here in Azumino, my field has expanded dramatically. Always break down my little world and make it again. I am sincerely thinking that touching different cultures and meeting lots of people is the best source of energy to do so.
Vienna training of the city of art this time realized with impossible favorable conditions.
Prosperity and glory of the Habsburg family, culture and art that it brought up. But it is still shining in modern society ... I was deeply moved by that.
All of the buildings in the city are beautiful ... In the meantime, there are sophisticated architectures of Otto Wagner, and very unique apartments and incinerators of Hundertwasser. And the State Opera also has the majesty including history, at the same time, opera is performed every evening with the performance of the Vienna Philharmonic, and every night there are plenty of people to come to the theater to show. That's why I think the majesty architecture is lively shining.
The Kunsthistorisches Museum holding great works of art, Belvedere and Albertina, which used the imperial palace or a part of it as an art museum, the MAK art museum storing a lot of beautiful crafts, Gustav Klimt and Egon Shiele's works, atc.....I was satisfied and really excited anytime...I got so much inspiration.
And most of all, the encounter with people.This time I also got a wonderful encounter with artists as well as encounters derived from friends of 'Mr. and Mrs. F'.
In time series ...
Linda Gaenszle originally woven a tapestry and now she is painting on the Lokta paper like japanese paper of Nepar with a colorful pastel, and I went to the vernissage of her solo exhibition and heard various stories from her. and....
We had a nice sushi party at a couple (madam is a Kyrgyz) house and I could see the Kyrgyz 's felt rug, stole etc. and...
I met Mr. Goro Murayama, an up-and-coming Japanese artist who is producing works in Vienna with a grant from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, I had a very interesting conversation and he showed us his studio. and...
I met Mrs.Paivi Vahala who is expressing art from the form of tapestry, paintings and sculpture, and showed me all the tapestry works. I had a wonderful half day to resonate in my very deep heart. and...
It was also wonderful day as we visited a certain house with a nature-rich suburb of Eichgraben with Mrs.Paivi. The dinner that we picked a lot of series of grass and flowers to eat and made it an appetizer was truly really delicious ...!!!
(Yes, Special Thanks !! Ms. R who was a student of Mr.F and now she is an attendant of FINNAIR, and she changed for me to Economy comfort & make various VIP services It was the first time for a fun and comfortable flight! Thanks to R (tears!)
As soon as I got to the Vienna airport, it became like a storm so I got soaked, so I got a fever, I was sleeping for a day and a half...omg! I had a wonderful blunder, an optimistic blunder that forgot my credit card at the museum shop , All the cells in my body are excited to the extent that such trifle disappears from my memory. ;))
The fact that there is art in everyday life is how much enrich my soul, human heart ....! It convinced me once again that. It was Vienna.
Well......., only prior investment !no...never not I will. I will digest and sublimate !